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Find out ways to get involved. We believe the Holy Spirit works in community.
We have a variety of ways to get involved. 

Ministries of Nurture and Spiritual Formation

Christian Education / Sunday School

Chilren's Sunday School for all keiki (pre-school to 6th grade). We focus on the children experiencing the wonder and depth of the biblical and foundational stories of our Christian faith, and experiential stories.

Wesley Preschool

Sponsored by the Wesley United Methodist Church, the Wesley Children’s Programs provide part time childcare and preschool for children ages 6 months to 5 years old and afterschool and seasonal care for children in kindergarten through 6th grade. For more information, send e-mail to or call (808) 732-3273.

Adult Classes and small group learning

Sunday Mornings

Bible Study/Faith Sharing at 8:15. Join us a time for a time of diving into God's word and sharing about what God is doing in your life!

Dream Work Group with Facilitator Chris Andrus

Dream work is a spiritual discipline of listening to God speaking to us through our dreams. Individual dreams are shared, followed by a time of quiet meditation, reflection and clarification questions asked of the dreamer about the dream. Members of the group discern one another's dream as their own and then share one's experience and meaning of the dream. The group meets on Thursdays at 3:00 p.m. and Fridays at 9:30 a.m. - in the Chapel. Everyone is invited to attend. Please call the church office for ocassional breaks.

Sunshine Friends

The Sunshine Friends continue to participate fully in Sunday worship services at Wesley. A note signed by each member of the Sunshine Friends was sent to the Arthur Sato family in thanks for a $1000 donation in memory of Wesley members John and Ruth Sato. The donation will be used to host an annual dinner for the John 17:21 ministry that meets monthly for dinner, social, and worship at Wesley. Wesley continues to donate use of Kimata Hall and sanctuary for the John 17:21 ministry each month as well as contributing financially to its support. Pending the annual report to be submitted by the ministry, Wesley will make a donation in 2018, amount to be determined. The date for Wesley to host the annual dinner for John 17:21 is also pending.

Care Ministry Committee

Our activities are part of our Wesley ministry as well as our community outreach and support for families needing assistance through difficult times – illness, death, crisis, etc. Our ministry is similar to that of each of us in the Wesley community; we just represent the church community and our own community service through our personal involvement.

We have been involved in several funerals over the past few months – support provided varies from full support in planning and carrying out various aspects of funerals to being a presence to be of service in whatever manner the family needs during and after funerals.

We also visit members and friends in long-term or rehab facilities; call to check in or address a particular concern; write notes/cards as events occur to remind families that we are available for talking story, informing or connecting them to resources; bringing meals; and assuring them of God’s presence and love for them at all times. We know this ministry is not specific to us but part of what each of us does in various ways to share God’s constant presence.

Adult Spiritual Formation

Wesley has a variety of spiritual formation opportunities in addition to Sunday worship services. Bible studies lead by Pastor Piula meet Sunday morning after worship service and Tuesday morning at 9:30. Both Bible studies are based on the lectionary readings for that week. Join us as we explore meanings of scriptures for the times and people for whom they were written and for our time and our lives. Following Bible study on Tuesday mornings Chris Andrus leads Dream Group (information above). We explore the meanings and messages of our nighttime dreams. Listening to our dreams is a way to listen to God. There is only one dream group each week, but more can be added, including an evening group, if there is interest. Speak to Chris Andrus if you have questions or would like more information. Contemplative prayer is another way to listen to God’s voice. We sit in silence focusing on a word or scripture passage. We listen - the other half of a conversation with God. A contemplative prayer group meets weekly at Church of the Nativity in Aina Haina. Speak to Jonna Zane, if you are interested. Last year a several week introduction to contemplative prayer was presented at Wesley. A sermon discussion group meets after church service on Sunday. We look at a past sermon; exploring and sharing the messages, questions, and challenges we received from it and the scripture on which it is based. Men’s and Women’s Hui are monthly opportunities to gather together and share our lives. A several week study of the recently released book by Jerry Wright Reimagining God and Religion will be offered in the next few months. Please let Chris Andrus know if you are interested in a longer study program such as Living the Questions or Companions in Christ or have other desires and ideas.

Financial Peace University

This second class of FPU is being led by Kim Alailima, Brad Smith and Joy Chang and has 5 members. The class focuses on how to better understand and manage our financial resources so we can "live and give like no one else" according to Dave Ramsey's "Total Money Makeover" system. The class, held over 9 weeks, consists of video lessons, group discussions, readings and homework.

Women's HUI

The Women's Hui meets once a month and has had a small but consistent group of women that attend. The Hui usually met on the first Saturday of the month and, to encourage other women to attend, has changed the meeting days and venues. The first meeting of the year was on Saturday, February 3 and the group decided on activities and dates for the upcoming year. The first weeknight event was on Wednesday, March 7 at 6 pm - a Dim Sum Dinner at Happy Days Chinese Seafood Restaurant. There were 9 ladies in attendance. The next Hui meeting will be at the parsonage on Monday, April 2 at 6 pm and will be a Beauty Night, with manicures, pedicures and homemade body scrubs. Friday, May 4 at 6 pm will be a dinner at Piggy Smalls in the Ward area of Honolulu. Please watch for other upcoming dates and events on the bulletin board in the sanctuary.

Lenten Soup Nights

The Wesley Lenten Soup Nights are based on the community soup night idea of author Maggie Stuckey. She told stories of her community soup night, where families would rotate as hosts, prepare one big pot of soup, and invite friends and neighbors to share a meal. She told of traditions and friendships that grew and expanded because of their soup nights. Everyone invited would bring their own bowls and utensils to make it easy for their hosts to prepare and clean up, plus something extra to share (like bread, salad, dessert or another soup). After starting and hosting the tradition last year, the Alailimas have opened up the Lenten Soup Night to encourage others to host. Arg Bacon, Brad Smith and Joy Chang have all hosted or offered to host, in addition to the Alailimas. We hope our Wesley Soup Nights will encourage warm hospitality, and nourishing food and fellowship.


The Committee on Community (ComCom) has met monthly since its inception about 2 years ago. In 2018 we have arranged 1 outing—the play “Baskerville: a Sherlock Holmes Mystery" at Manoa Valley Theatre. We have circulated a survey asking for suggestions as to further activities. At our last meeting on 13 February we discussed at some length some of the suggestions. Under consideration now are 1)Wahiawa Botanical Garden visit followed by coffee or meal at Sunnyside restaurant and 2) movie Samson is opening this week. Will talk with owner of Movie Museum as to when or whether he might be showing it. If he plans on showing it we will consider taking the theatre for one showing (theatre is very small). 3) Probably get tickets for a UH baseball game—will copy schedule. Discussed possibility of a catered dinner in Kimata Hall with Simone’s band providing entertainment plus possibility of open mic or other activity that evening. Further discussion and at least one decision at our next meeting on March 13.

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